October 2024

Overall, September went well. We have had some germs floating around, some tears, lots of laughs and even more fun. It was the usual September start to the year for us!

There are items to update you on:

The school is closed on Monday, October 14th for Thanksgiving.

We will be closed on Monday, November 11th, to observe Remembrance Day (for future reference). We are open all that week; however, most school districts are closed either 3 or 5 days that week.

Planning even further ahead for Christmas. The school will operate normal hours on Monday December 23rd ,2024 then close for the holidays, re-opening on Monday January 6th, 2025.

Please call or text if your child is sick so we can keep on top of illness. As a reminder, all children and staff need to stay out for a minimum of 48 hours once symptoms subside. If you are keeping 1 child home because they are ill, other siblings HAVE to stay at home too. This will help to reduce transmission and clear sickness up faster. We have done well in September and if we all work together, October will be even better!!

Speech professionals are beginning to come on a regular basis for the children on their caseload. If you are unsure of your child’s speech day, please ask and we will get that confirmed for you. At this moment, all speech is Tuesday afternoon. Private services are Monday and Tuesday mornings as arranged with Speech & Language Works. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the services your child is receiving.

SD#76 aide for 2024-2025 is Dixie Onheliger.

The kindergarten program is underway, and we have had a month to establish a routine and get accustomed to one another. We are starting to figure out a balance. This routine gets easier as the weather gets colder, and we are inside. We are moving along nicely!

Our extra activities:

Monday- Music for everyone 9:00am

Tuesday-Social Thinkers (4–5-year-olds) 9:15-10:15am (2 groups)

Thursday - SACA Kickboxing 9:30am (Leave the school at 9:15am)***Postponed until Coach Jamie is feeling better

All children need inside shoes for the classroom. It is important to have footwear that fits and is appropriate for inside. We discourage flip-flops, big-headed slippers, or clunky/heeled shoes because the children trip, slip or step on other toes or fingers and hurt one another (by accident). Please label them for easy identification. Changing footwear in the morning is an easy transition to the day as well as an independent skill that all these children do during the day (even toddlers) so please support and encourage your child to change their footwear in the morning.

Make sure your child has appropriate outdoor wear for the coming months. We plan to be outside as long as we can, and they need proper coats, hats and mittens for walks or playing in the playground. It is best to keep a pair of little (thin) mittens and a toque at school for the cooler days. Please label items. The girls may want to keep a pair of leggings at school for cooler days if they are wearing a dress or skirt and everyone may want a hoodie or sweater for cooler mornings in the school.

Picture Day went off without a hitch, thanks to Miss Cook’s smooth plan. Please let me know if you have not received your gallery. Kim had a very quick turn around this year due to other work commitments.

If you are going to be having someone else pick up your child, please let a staff member know prior to them arriving. This makes it easier when your child is being picked up. We like to get to know your extended family, so they feel welcome when they arrive.

We are working on a plan for Halloween at the end of the month. Tentatively, we will pumpkin carve on Thursday October 31st and the children can wear their costumes that day. The toddlers will do pumpkin painting that morning (please send clothes for them to paint in so their costume stays clean and paint free). We will have a parent sign-up form up shortly for carving volunteers.

We are also working on field trips. Once they are confirmed then formal permission slips will be required to be filled out. If any parents have ideas or careers that allow field trips or be brought into the preschool, please pass along the information to any of the staff.

The preschool children will be taking home a folder each Friday with their art collections in it. Please return the folder the following Monday to be refilled with their wonderful creations.

October will also be started off with file updates. Each child will have their information profile sent home. If anything needs to be changed, such as address or emergency contacts then we need this information to be updated. All forms are due back October 18th.

Mrs. Weimer will be away a few days in October. We will have the kindergarten children join the main class for those days as well as Mrs. Wilcox coming in to help. Mrs. Wilcox was with the program for many years and is familiar with the rules, regulations, and routines that we have. We have also been extremely fortunate to have Mrs. Myrna Muryn cover days when staff have been sick. She was an EA with MHCBE with us prior to this year and is familiar with the routines and the children in the program.

I am sure there will be other additions as the month progresses. Please check back or watch Instagram to keep up to date with us.


November 2024


September is here!