November 2024
October seemed to pass by quickly. It was fantastic being able to get outside to enjoy the fall weather for most of the month, Social Thinkers, and Music with Mr. T
November is shaping to have lots going on as well. I am hopeful that the weather stays warm, and we are still able to sneak outside daily.
The school will be closed on Monday November 11th, 2024, to observe Remembrance Day. We will re-open on Tuesday November 12th, 2024.
All 3 school districts have PD days in November. We are open all that week, except for Monday the 11th. Please let us know if your child is home with siblings.
Sign up sheets will be up next week for our free Christmas light tours. These will run on December 3rd, 4th, 5th from 6-7:30pm. Please sign up and enjoy a family fun kick-off to Christmas. Each ride is for 32 passengers, everyone over 2 must be assigned a seat for the ride. I am working on arrangements for the pick-up and drop off. This will be arranged shortly.
Our speech services are in the school on a consistent basis each week now. We ask that if you are using them that you check with either Mrs. O or Mrs. Weimer to find out when your services are each week. It would also be beneficial to discuss with the EA’s the hours that they work so your child can benefit from the service they provide.
If you have someone new picking up your child, please let the staff know in the morning. This helps us prepare your child for the end of the day pick-up.
Everyone needs ONLY 1 pair of indoor shoes for the classroom; some are still wearing one pair inside and out and winter boots cannot be worn inside. It is best that items are labeled to avoid mix ups. It is a great habit for the children to get into by changing their footwear each morning.
Please dress your child properly to go outside-we will continue to go out as long as we can. It is time for toques and mittens to be added to the white bags, snowpants can wait for the time being.
When the mornings are cooler it is a good idea to have a sweater or hoodie on your child’s hook. The children cannot wear their coats in the classroom because they are bulky and interfere with using the lessons properly.
We ask that all toys be left at home. We have found that they become a distraction, tend to go missing over the day or are given to friends. It is best these items remain at home to avoid upset.
The bathroom bins need to be restocked with winter clothing. Many still have shorts and summer clothes in them. These will be sent home for exchange.
The art folders have been incredibly helpful to keep everyone’s art organized. Please remember to return them each week so they can be refilled again.
New payment sheets for 2025 will be done for families in December.
Medicine Hat College has approached our program to have a practicum student placed in our school for the next 5 weeks. I have not met our student; all I know is she will be with us Tuesday to Friday starting November 14th and ending December 17th. I will keep you informed once I have more details.
Please be sure to review the sickness policy in your Parent Handbook. All children (and staff) must be symptom free for 48 hours before returning to school after illness. If you need a copy of the policy, be sure to ask Mrs. Weimer to get one for you.
Drop-off and Pick-up
Drop-off and pick-up are two of the most important times of the entire day. We have noticed a few children having troubles during these times and are looking to support them and yourselves.
Here are a few insights that we’ve gathered over the years. We hope you find them useful. These are many of the same recommendations that you’ll find in Montessori parent handbooks throughout the world. Of course, we’ve made a few modifications and put our own spin on things.
Morning Drop-Off
When entering the school, we recommend that you walk in with your child, instead of carrying them. This will help give them a sense of independence and confidence. You can further empower your child by having them carry their own lunch, which will help foster that sense of ownership and responsibility that children so cherish.
While it can be difficult, we strongly recommend a quick drop-off. We know it can be the hardest thing in the world, but the longer a you stay, the harder the separation becomes. Lingering can create anxiety for both children and adults alike, and this is never a good start to a day. Instead, children need the reassurance that you have confidence in them and their day.
With that in mind, it’s important to note that children live by consistency and routine. We recommend that you try to ensure that your child has a good night sleep the night before school. If there’s going to be a change in the day, we recommend that you inform your child or send us a text so we can do the same. Children thrive on being made of aware of what’s happening, so the more we can do to help quench that sense of wonder, the better.
Additionally, it’s extremely important to be on time, for several reasons. Most importantly, perhaps, is that we don’t want your child to feel left out, as they enter the classroom while everyone is already eagerly engaged in their daily activities. One of the best examples that we as adults can relate to, is the feeling of walking into a meeting late. You feel disheveled and overwhelmed. You’re not sure what’s already transpired. No matter how hard you try to catch up, you just don’t feel that you’re going to manage it.
Picking up your child after school is just as important as dropping your child off for school. Here are a few tips:
First, we recommend that you ensure a prompt, timely and cheerful pick up. Lengthy pick-ups can cause confusion, unease, restlessness and disrupt the other students in the classroom.
Second, we recommend that you greet your child respectfully. They’re, of course, excited to see you, but meet their enthusiasm with calm and passion. Speak softly and encourage normal behavior. We know, it can be very exciting!
Third, while you are with your child, provide them with your full and undivided attention. We recommend that you are not on the phone during this time, as it can be very disruptive for your child.
Fourth, please ensure that you arrive to pick up your child in a timely fashion. Tardiness can cause anxiety for children. If you’re running late, be sure to notify us, so we can inform your child. Children love to know what’s going on, so they can prepare themselves. Additionally, if you need to pick your child up early for something, please let us know in advance, as this can be very disruptive for their day.
Fifth, ensure that you keep your child apace of any changes in their routine. If there is a change, let them know, explain the situation and offer reassurance. Sometimes they just need to hear it from you.
Sixth, it’s always nice to hear about your child’s day. Try asking them some open-ended questions. “Would you like to tell me how your day was?” Try to avoid judgements, praise and rewards.
Seventh, like the morning routine, encourage your child to dress themselves, collect their items and walk with you. This will continue to give them that strong sense of independence and confidence. They want to show you that they can do things by themselves!
Lastly, if you have comments, questions, or concerns about your child, please ask to discuss them with a teacher when your child is not in earshot rather than speaking in front of them. They’re highly aware of the conversation.
If anyone needs to do planning for December, we will be open regular hours on Monday Dec. 23rd, then closed from Dec. 24th until January 6th, 2025. All elementary schools will dismiss for Christmas break on different days this year, please let us know if your child will be absent December 20-23.
Hope this helps with your planning for the month of December.
Have a great month. Please keep an eye on our Instagram account for quick updates.