September is here!
We look forward to a wonderful year of learning, laughing, and making memories. The summer has gone extremely well, not to mention extremely quickly but we are ready to take on the new school year and resume our regular routines.
We are going to get started with the easy stuff… refresher for everyone.
PARKING: Our neighbors would be pleased if their driveways do not get blocked during drop off and pick up and likewise the garbage collector would like a clear path down the alley to travel.
ARRIVAL: Please be sure to latch the gate when you come through it as sometimes it will not close completely and we want to ensure everyone remains safe. Likewise, we discourage the children from hanging/swinging on the gate, jumping off the bench and grabbing at the windchimes from the bench for safety reasons. Parents also must enter the building with their children each day, this gives us a moment to connect and answer any questions or get details of anything that may affect your child’s day.
HOURS: The school opens at 7:45 am and it closes at 5:15pm. We ask that parents be mindful of these times. We are NOT allowed to open prior to 7:45 am due to licensing regulations.
OUR WORKDAY: We would appreciate all children at the school by 9:00 am. It is disruptive to the work cycle of the rest of the group when children arrive late, not to mention they miss out on the valuable time in the classroom with the lessons and their peers. The morning work time is a key to their learning and development. If you are running late or have an appointment to run to please call/text and let us know what time to expect you. If your child is accessing the PUF program through either school board, it is extremely beneficial that they attend during the time their aide is contracted. This is key to the success of their learning and the EAs are generally contracted for 3 hour blocks of time at the school.
EXTRA SERVICES: The school boards have been coming in and screening children for speech and language services. If your child requires further testing, they will have forms sent home with them to fill out. These services are all provided on site during the days that your child attends. Once they are assessed, a representative from the school boards will call you if the results and offer options for services. If no one contacts you, please ask so we can get your questions answered.
KINDERGARTEN: We start our day at 8:30am and it ends after snack in the afternoon. Each kindergarten child will have a more detailed note sent home on their first day.
WHAT TO BRING: All children need inside shoes for the classroom. It is important to have footwear that fits and is appropriate for inside. We strongly discourage flip-flops, big headed slippers, or clunky /heeled shoes because the children tend to trip. Please label them for easy identification, only 1 pair of shoes is needed, or else bags overflow onto the floor. They need a hat for outside and extra set of clothing to be stored in the bathroom in case of spills or accidents. Mornings have been getting cooler, so a hoodie is beneficial as well.
Each child will need their own labelled water bottle. These will be sent home on Friday (or your child’s last day) each week for cleaning.
Each child needs a labelled lunch box.
The front entrance gets too congested with backpacks. We kindly ask that they stay at home to allow for more space. Everything your child will need in a day can be placed in the white bag that is on their hook (hat, shoes)
The younger preschool children are closer to the front door and the older ones are further down the line. We feel the older children are more independent to get their coats off and shoes on in the morning and this was a good solution. The younger children who need more assistance are closer to the door where parents can assist. Staff will be at the front entrance and can assist when and where needed.
A toddler staff member will greet the toddlers at the front door as well. They will assist you by taking their lunch, coat etc. and taking them to their classroom. We have found this an easier transition for the children. At the end of the day toddler families are welcome to come into their classroom to get their child and speak with the teachers about their day.
SIGNING IN/OUT: Your child is signed in and out on our computer program.
OUTDOOR ATTIRE: Make sure your child has appropriate outdoor wear for the coming month. We plan to be outside if we can, and everyone needs proper coats, hats and footwear for walks or playing in the playground. Socks and runners are the best, they protect against blisters and give proper foot. Once the pesky wasps start to leave us alone we will venture outside more during the day.
SICK KIDS: Please call (403-526-7966) or text (403-928-5160) if your child is sick or not coming to school for any reason. We want everyone to stay healthy and appreciate everyone’s cooperation in keeping sick children at home. Please refer to your Parent Handbook for more detailed information about when to stay home.
48 HOUR POLICY: If your child has had a fever, diarrhea, throwing up, allergic reaction, or goopy eye infection within the last 24 hours, he/she must be excluded from school until they are symptom free for 48 hours without the aid of over-the-counter medication. During the day, if your child develops any of those symptoms, you will be called to come and pick them up from school. Again, they cannot return to school until they are symptom free for 48 hours. These protocols will be followed by our staff as well. If they are home sick, they too must be symptom free for 48 hours before they return to work.
LUNCH BOXES: Please place preschool lunchboxes on the shelf in the front entrance when you arrive. We do not have a microwave to heat lunches. Thermos’ are welcome for hot food for your child.
Morning snack is 10:15-10:30 am, afternoon snack is 3:15-3:30 pm and lunch is served at 12:00 pm. The toddlers will be eating at the same times as the older children.
Kindergarten children will bring their lunches to their classroom upstairs. They eat in their classroom for both snack and lunch.
The weekly snack menu is posted in the front entrance on the parent board as well as on our Instagram account.
Lunch time can be very hectic, and it is also a time for socialization, independence, and manners. All staff encourage your child to try the foods that are sent, encourage them to use appropriate table manners and etiquette (drinking from cups, using spoons and forks, cleaning up after themselves or spills) and to be independent in handling Ziploc bags, containers and getting their food out (not the toddlers). Do not be alarmed if lunches come home only half eaten this month. Eating in a group of 20+ can be distracting and often they run out of time because they are too busy visiting with the children at their table. In time they will eat and visit and more of the lunch will be gone at the end of the allotted time at the school. Please keep this in mind when packing lunches for your child. It is a good idea to add an ice pack to your child’s lunchbox to keep yogurt, cheese, sandwiches etc. cool before lunchtime.
KEEPING IN TOUCH: The school number is 403-526-7966, or reach us via e-mail at Mrs. Weimer can be texted at 403-928-5160.
MONTHLY FEES: Payment of fees are due on the 1st of each month unless arranged with Mrs. Weimer. Parents are welcome to give post-dated cheques or do e-transfers each month. The e-transfer address is There is no password required. A tax receipt is given out at the end of the year. If you are unsure of the amount that you owe, you can call, or text Mrs. Weimer and she will let you know the amount for the month.
SUPPLY FEE: The yearly family $60.00 supply fee is due in September. It can be lumped into your monthly fee and sent as a whole.
LATE FEE: This fee is applied to monthly fees that are received after the 1st of the month. It is $5.00 per day for fees being late.
SUBSIDY: All families using subsidy are to keep in contact with the subsidy office. It is your responsibility to inform them of changes to your information. Failure to comply may result in subsidy being cancelled. Any unpaid amounts are the responsibility of the parent who applied for subsidy. They have changed the family threshold to $179,999.00 so I encourage everyone to investigate the online subsidy calculator to see if you are eligible for this program.
CLASSROOM PROGRAMS: Kickboxing will be on Thursday mornings for the older children, Social Thinkers will be Tuesday for the older children, everyone will have music class with Trent from AMP music on Monday’s.
SCHOOL PHOTOS: I am pleased to announce Kim Bratvold will be taking our photos again this year. They are booked for September 18th and 19th. Kim will be dropping off information in early September for each family.
Toddler Room: Miss Danika, Miss Zilkie
Preschool Room: Miss Cook, Miss Droeske, Miss Mcleod, Miss Penner, Mrs. O (on her non-EA days)
Kindergarten: Mrs. Weimer
Educational Assistants: Mrs. Onheliger, Mrs. Muryn (hopefully)
Practicum Student: Mrs. Hillier
Mrs. Cook will fill in when needed.
There will be more information coming as it is organized. I will do my very best to update families via email, text, Instagram or on the website. I encourage you to reach out at any time if you have questions or concerns. It is very important to have open honest lines of communication to make this work.
We are looking forward to a great year….let’s get it started