March 2024
February was relatively uneventful at the school, just the way I like it these days.
We have been trying to stay on top of the illness and we appreciate your help by keeping children at home when they are ill and giving them the rest, they need to get better. I am hopeful that the children will start to build up their immune systems as we get closer to spring. All in all this has been a much better year than last year. The children seem to be shaking illnesses faster which is a good sign.
March is a long and busy month with a great deal of work to do in it. I imagine it will fly past as quickly as January and February did and we will soon be staring April in the eye.
Here are some of the tidbits to pass along:
-We have obtained tickets for the older children (4-6 years old) to go see Nemo Jr. at the Esplanade. We will be sending home permission slips for the children to participate in the trip. In order to take a larger group of children, we will only have a few additional tickets for parents. The children will be transported to and from the Esplanade via a Southland Transportation bus.
-A huge thank-you to everyone who donated to our Valentine’s community project to The Santa Claus Fund. They were grateful for the 140 books that the children donated and wanted to pass along a thank you for our thoughtful donations.
-Miss Garrecht asked me to pass along a huge thank you to everyone for all the well wishes and gifts on her last date of school. She was feeling very loved and blessed.
-Mrs. Fruin is settling into her position at the school. It has been a smooth transition as she is familiar with the Montessori and the daily routine of the program.
-Please make sure your child has proper outdoor wear. If you are missing mittens, please feel free to ask us because we have some singles floating around. There are also 3 pairs of snow pants who float from hook to hook as well.
-Please make sure your child does have extra clothing at the school, we hardly have anything for anyone but toddlers and if your child is out and gets wet, we will need you to come and bring them dry clothing. Be sure to send socks!!
-Children will need warm waterproof boots for walks. The sidewalks may still be snowy and icy/slushy/wet, and runners are not the suitable just yet.
-If your child is sick, there is a 48-hour symptom free policy that they must abide by. Also, siblings must stay home as well as they are carriers if there is an illness in your household. We understand and appreciate this may be an inconvenience; however, we need to keep everyone healthy.
-All school divisions are registering new students entering kindergarten and grade 1. Please make sure to contact your school for further information. If you need any information regarding school, please ask and we can help as best we can.
-The school boards will be asking if there are any children to be screened for speech/language concerns and looking at age-appropriate development. If you have any concerns or would like to have your child screened, please let Mrs. Weimer know. In years past we have all children turning 3 (by September) screened to be sure we are not missing anything developmentally.
-Income Tax receipts have been emailed out. If you feel there is an error, please let me know and I can investigate it and get it corrected for you;
-Summer and Fall registration forms are being prepared and will be sent home in April. This will be the time to add siblings or change days. I will include the fee schedule so everyone can see how the new affordability grant (Jan. 2024) is reflected in the fees.
Have a great month. Hopefully spring will surprise us shortly!!