April 2024
-April snuck up on me, hence why this is a little later being posted than I like it to be! March was a longer month; however, having Easter thrown in at the end made it seem like to fly past.
-We will be closed on Friday March 29th and Monday April 1st for the Easter holidays. If your child is going to be away over the Easter week, please let staff know. All school divisions are closed until April 8th; however, we will be open.
-I am hoping that we will be outside on these spring days. It’s been hard to guess how to dress because the mornings are quite cool, and it has been such a mixed bag of weather. Please have a coat for morning walks that is warm. Many times, when we venture out it is still only a few degrees and chilly. Your child needs a coat, toque, and mittens still, as well as boots for a few more days at least. We are tempting fate and sending all snow pants home. There will (hopefully) be no more need for them anymore!
-As the weather steadily warms up (fingers crossed) it is important that the children have good footwear for their daily outings. Many cute sandals and boots are not practical to walk in and cause blisters, socks and runners are best for everyone.
-I have all the registration forms back now (thank you) and will begin to input the information into our computer system. I will adjust all day changes and sibling requests. Families will be given registration packages once this is complete.
-Graduation will be the week of June 10th-14th. We have 12 graduates this year. Once the graduation date is confirmed, we will be sending home all the wonderful details.
-We need to reiterate that we are trying to keep everyone healthy during these cold and flu seasons (that seem to never end). It is of utmost importance to keep siblings home if there is illness in your home. This includes pinkeye, cough, vomiting etc., even if the sibling does not attend Montessori, the bugs can be transmitted into our school. This also includes parents who become ill, sending your child puts all staff and students at risk to catching the bug that is going through your household.
-The school boards have started to screen some of the children for the fall. They CELT teachers will do a screening to see if your child needs further assessment or assistance with sounds/language development. If your is turning 3 then they do have to wait until closer to their birthday to complete the testing. If your child is screened and you have further questions, please be sure to ask and we will find the answer for you.
-If and when the weather permits, we will be doing outside/playground pick ups. The children will take their coats, lunchboxes etc. to the side yard and be playing in the backyard. Be sure to let a staff member know that you have arrived to collect your child and as always keep the gate closed for safety.
-Mrs. Weimer is away April 22-26, 2024. If you need to report your child absent please call the school line 403-526-7966.
Have a great month everyone!!