Hello December

White bags/Hooks-Only keep 1 set of shoes and hat/mitts in them. Some bags are overflowing!! Extra clothes can be stored in the bathroom bins.

Bathroom Bags-We will need everyone to have extra winter clothing because if it is wet or slushy the children will need dry clothing when we get back…especially socks!!

Kickboxing will continue into December if it does not get too cold to walk over to the gym.

When entering or exiting the gate please ensure that it is latched correctly, especially on windy days. Also, do not let your children swing on it, it will warp and not be able to close correctly. It is there for the safety of your children.

Please bring a sweater or hoodie for your child to keep at school-at times during the day the school can get chilly, and it is too bulky to wear a coat in class and try to do lessons.

The staff have planned many fun activities for the month, please consult the calendar sent home to see them all.

E-transfers are due on the 1, unless otherwise arranged. Please make sure you send them on time. Do not send January amounts until the new fees are sent to you. I will get them to you ASAP, once they confirm their numbers.

Please make sure subsidy renewals are done as early as possible to avoid interruption of fees being paid to the school.

Make sure your child comes to school with appropriate attire to go outside. If in doubt, bring everything including snow pants (once we get snow) for them that way we have everything if the weather is favorable. In the event we are going out and feel your child is not appropriately dressed we will decide for them to stay back. We do not want to take them out and end up chilled or wet and getting sick.

***Due to Licensing regulations, siblings under the age of 16 are not permitted to drop off or pick up a child. Each child needs to be accompanied by an adult each day at drop off and pick up.

Staying Healthy at School-We are trying to keep everyone healthy over the winter months. Please call the school or text Mrs. Weimer if your child is going to be absent due to illness or any other reason. We will be calling you if your child becomes ill through the day, has an excessive cough that prevents them from participating in daily activities, develops a fever or has a thick green nose.

 We have found that teaching your child to cough into their elbow is helpful. We do realize that many children develop dry coughs this time of year; however, they still need to be guarded and not cough on either their peers or their lessons.

Any children who are unable to maintain their coughs/runny noses will be sent home because, they are sneezing into the lessons as well as over their peers and it is unhealthy. The reasoning for the sneezing may be allergies or illness; however, we will err on the side of caution and have your child and sibling leave the program until they are feeling better and can participate in daily activities. 

We are unable to administer any antibiotics to children. If they need a dose at lunchtime, you are welcome to come and administer it to them.

Please be sure to review the 48-hour illness policy in the Parent Handbook. This has proved very beneficial to children recovering and everyone staying healthy.

Christmas Community Project

This is our 10th year for our Christmas community project!

This year, we are working with St. Joseph’s Home to provide items for the senior residents. We will collect items until December 14th, with delivery December 15th to St. Joseph’s Home.

They are looking for crossword puzzle books, DVD’s, tea, snacks like chocolates/cookies (for their social times), coloring books and pencil crayons, puzzles for the residents or as an option, a small ($5-$10) donation and we will purchase items.

We appreciate you help in making Christmas merry for this who will be alone or away from their families over the holidays.


Fee Decreases for January 2024

We have just been given information (albeit vague) that the affordability grant that each family uses to cover a portion of their fees will be increasing in January. This means your fees will decrease in 2024. The Government has not sent us definite numbers for each age group but has promised the information to be here December 11th. Once I have the numbers, I will reissue fee amounts for January to June 2024. This affordability contract will run through 2026 and it is available to all families.

Anyone who needs to renew subsidy for December 2023 needs to get this done as soon as possible because this will reflect your January fee if there happens to be a change to your subsidy amount. If you are unsure of your renewal date, please ask Mrs. Weimer and she will find out for you.


Christmas Closure/ New Year’s Opening

December 22- Open Regular Hours

December 25-January 2-Closed

January 3-Open Regular Hours

Elementary schools will dismiss for Christmas break on December 21st  or 22nd  please let us know if your child will be absent those days. Likewise, with elementary schools being closed additional days in January we would appreciate knowing if your child will be at home with siblings. This makes it easy to keep track of everyone.

Hope this helps with your planning for the month of December.


 Montessori Staff

Owner- Mrs. Cook

Kindergarten- Mrs. Weimer

Toddler- Miss Danika, Miss Schneider

Preschool- Miss Cook, Miss Droeske, Miss Garrecht, Miss McLeod, Mrs. Muryn-EA,

Mrs. Onheliger-EA., Miss Penner

On behalf on Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Weimer and all the staff we wish everyone a safe and healthy holiday season. We look forward to 2024 being filled with the smiles, laughter, and learning.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!


Here’s to 2024!!


November 2023