February 2025
· Due to the up/down weather in January we were able to get outside from time to time…and it was WONDERFUL!!! When the weather is frightful (aka windy and freezing cold), the children became accustomed to being inside and doing gross motor activities and movement cd’s to burn off some energy. The teachers have done a fantastic job coming up with fun activities or experiments for the children to fill the void of being outside. I am hoping we can continue to sneak outside this month.
· Please make sure that your child has extra clothes at the school in case we do go out and has a fall or it’s melting again. Please ensure they have waterproof boots and a few pairs of extra socks.
· Everyone needs to bring boots, coat, snow pants, toque and mittens each day. It’s better to have them for outings. We will not risk taking a child out who is not properly dressed.
· If the temperature is -10C or colder we are not going outside. It’s too cold for the children especially with the wind chill and we are not wanting to invite an illness.
· We are closed on Monday February 17th, 2025, for Family Day; however, we are open the remainder of the week as all schools are closed for Teacher’s Convention. Please let the staff know if your child will be absent during that week.
· Other days that the school will be closed in 2025
· Friday April 18th -School closed for Good Friday
· Monday April 21st -School closed for Easter Monday
**School is open the rest of Easter week**
· April 2025-Summer and Fall registration opens for internal families.
· Monday May 19th - School closed for Victoria Day
· Graduation will be mid-June, date TBA once it is arranged**
· Tuesday July 1st – School closed for Canada Day
· August 4th-8th, 2025 for our summer closure
· In years past, we have done a community project with the children in lieu of exchanging Valentine’s Day cards. This year we have chosen Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society to donate children’s hygiene items for children who, with their mothers are escaping family violence. We will collect items starting February 1st and will deliver them on Tuesday February 18th. We will be having some sweet Valentine’s treats and activities for the children on Feb. 14th.
· Items they are looking for include toothpaste, combs/brushes, hair ties, body lotion, kid shampoo, conditioner, body wash, individual hot chocolate packets
· Last year the Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society served 194 adults and 113 children in our community. The Musasa House Second Stage Shelter served 16 adults and 41 children.
· Thank you to all those families who kept their ill children at home. By allowing them the time to rest at home they recovered quicker and did not pass the germs around. It is greatly appreciated! Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the health policies, they are in the best interest of the students and staff at the school and keeping everyone healthy.
· Income Tax receipts will be issued shortly. They are emailed out from our system. If there is an error such as address or name of who is receiving the receipt, please let me know and I can change it and resend it to you.
· In April 2025 fees will changing. We are having meetings with the Government of Alberta on Thursday to see what they have in store for parents. As soon as we are given concrete numbers, we will pass them along to you with a fee schedule for the coming months.
· I know the schools will be starting their registrations in the coming month and there are many children who are age eligible for kindergarten. I will be preparing a Montessori kindergarten package with some information for each family. These will be going home shortly so we can start to build our preschool registration for summer/fall.
· Please do not hesitate to ask questions or to arrange a meeting to discuss your kindergarten options. We are here to help you with this decision.
· We are going to do a tentative toddler registration for the upcoming year. It’s best to know what spaces I need reserved for families before regular registration begins. If this applies to you, please look it over and return it with the necessary information
· We will continue will kickboxing on Music on Mondays, Social Thinkers on Tuesday and kickboxing on Thursdays (as the weather allows), These activities make the weeks go by quickly.
Stay warm and enjoy February!